
Do you wish to support Ability Shetland through a donation?

You can also support us by any of these methods:

  • Making a donation in cash or by cheque which can be posted or delivered to Market House, 14 Market Street, Lerwick, ZE1 0JP. Cheques should be made payable to Ability Shetland.  If you are a U.K. tax payer you can enhance your donation through Gift Aid please request a Gift Aid form from us.  This allows us to claim an additional 25% from H.M. Revenue & Customs at no extra cost to you;
  • Making a bank transfer. Please contact us if this is a method that you would prefer;
  • By organising a fund-raising event. This could be any type of event like Sunday tea in your local hall, a sponsored walk or something completely different. Please contact us to share your ideas.

You can also use the QR Code below to access our JustGiving Page.

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